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Hi, Welcome to my poetry website.  This site is where my love of writing, rhythm and rhyme is put together and hidden for people to find.  Yes, I hide poetry in the U.K. and abroad; How fab is that!

I am very fortunate to have my poetry published. Currently two books from the series 'A Secret Poem Treasure Hunt'.  Poetry numbers 1-21 are published in 'Secret Poetry' and numbers 22 - 46 are published in 'Hidden Secrets'.

Will you be fortunate to find an original piece?

Search Locations to find stanza teasers and coordinates. 


You can join my Facebook page to see my latest uploads on the go. Please subscribe for information of new work and news not only in poetry but in events, productions, blogs and products on everything I am involved with.

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© 2017 a secret poem website. 

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