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Inspired (No 1) - Sahara. Morocco - 4th April 2015

Atmosphere (No 2) - Sahara. Morocco - 5th April 2015

Atlas Mountains (No 3) - Agadir - 8th April 2015

A Welcomed Rest (No 4) - Agadir - 11th April 2015

Humble (No 5) - Mirleft - Morocco - 8th April 2015


Inspired - A Secret Poem (No 1)

April 03, 2015

Country – Africa, Morocco.  

Area – M’Hamid.

Coordinates – Kept safe by owner Hasan, from M’Hamid, HAMADA DU DRAA

Date Written – 3rd April 2015

Date hidden – 4th April 2015


Inspired – A Secret Poem No. 1 


The sea of sand endeavors to inspire.

A wish in the well at least brings hope.

This land springs life that a traveller will never tire.

Good will gestures, hospitality helps me cope.


Whoever finds this, YES!.. to travel again.

My romantic heart, a kind soul was .....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' This book includes images and meanings behind my work.

Atmosphere - A Secret Poem (No 2)

April 04, 2015

Country – Morocco.

Area – Sahara.

Coordinates - 29° 51’ 44” N  5° 41’ 11” W

Date written – 4th April 2015

Date hidden – 5th April 2015


Atmosphere - A Secret Poem No. 2


Sunset through sunrise has grandeur surprise.

Starlit night, no moon; it’s a delight.

Cold chill when no sun, distant donkey outcries

Here it’s different, total .....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' This book includes images and meanings behind my work.

Atlas Mountains - A Secret Poem (No 3)

April 07, 2015

Country – Morocco.

Area – Agadir – Apart Hotel, Golden Beach. (Although hidden here this poem is about the Atlas Mountains)

Coordinates - 30° 23’ 58” N  9° 35’ 59” W

Date written – 6th April 2015

Date hidden – 8th April 2015



Atlas Mountains - A Secret Poem No. 3



The wondrous Atlas Mountains; high and low.

Have abundance of beauty with symmetrical flow.

Winding through this fabulous place.

Spending hours journeying in this vast space.

Morocco has a strange attraction.......


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' This book includes images and meanings behind my work.

A Welccomed Rest - A Secret Poem (No 4)

April 10, 2015

Country – Morocco.

Area – Agadir – Apart Hotel, Golden Beach.

Coordinates - 30° 23’ 58” N 9° 35’ 59” W

Date written – 10th April 2015

Date hidden – 11th April 2015


A Welcomed Rest - A Secret Poem No. 4


A shop in Agadir is far from Moroccan style.

A tourist spot with Pizza Hut and McDonalds every mile.

However at this point in my travels, a welcome sight.

5 star hotels, spar, pools, bars; a delight.

It’s time for reflection, rest and .......


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' This book includes images and meanings behind my work.

Humble - A Secret Poem (No 5)

April 07, 2015

Country – Mirleft - On main road to Mirleft

Coordinates – No coordinates sorry – our gadgets ran our of battery life.

Date written – 8th April 2015

Date hidden – 8th April 2015


Humble - A Secret Poem No. 5


An awakening inside me has started all abuzz

The adrenalin of adventure leaves my cells a fuzz.

With every place I go, I’ve met many people so kind

Serenity and happiness is abundance in its find.

I am forever grateful for my Moroccan trip.

An awe .......


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' This book includes images and meanings behind my work.

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