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A Lyrical Ensemble (No 45). Stanley Street Park. Liverpool - 1st Dec 2016

A Pathway of Teaching (No 22). Kirkby. Knowsley. - 25th Jan 2016

Max The Dog (No 21) - Stanley Park. Liverpool - 20th Dec 2015

The Moon (N0 20) - Stanley Park. Liverpool - 20th Dec 2015

A Gift (No 19) - Birkenhead Park. Merseyside. 19th Dec 2015

Belly Button Adventures (No18) - Birkenhead Park. Merseyside. 19th Dec 2015

My Caterpillar (No 17) - Warbreck Moor Park. Liverpool. 19th Dec 2015



Dear Sister (No 16) - Birkenhead. Liverpool - 19th Dec 2015

Cemetery (No15) - West Derby. Liverpool - 18th Dec 2015

Peter Pan (No 14) - Sefton Park, Liverpool - 18th Dec 2015

A Path Of Life (No 6) - Aintree. Liverpool - 14th July 2015


A Lyrical Ensemble (No 44)

December 01, 2016

Country - England

Area – Liverpool. 

Coordinates – 53 24' 53"  -2 58' 5"

Date hidden – 1st Dec 2016

Date Written – 25th May 2016


A Lyrical Ensemble.  A Secret Poem.  No 44.


(In the style of a Jester entertaining a pre Shakespearian play)

To my audience, I greet thee in this crucible of invention. 

Let audacious eloquence tickle your mind. 

A prompt activation to your visual association cortex will trigger the key and unwind …ones minds eye, when it transcends to the world upon words, from plays staged beyond your years of multitude.

From moral absolution, apprehension love and lust. With righteous indignations passionately brewed. 


A recognition of our reflection; today a contemporary resonance, to sound the depths of our souls with experience. 

Showing love that’s fractured, contorted; recognition of absurdity. Violent descents to morbid jealousy; Besexed.


The capacious imagination of this writer sadly departed; delivers timeless material for those today.

Illicit, daring and disturbing his work is free, at liberty.  

Lines inventive that fame transcends their plays; our history.


He shows fragility, compassion, frail natured transient characters.  Against the darkness...

To read the completed piece you need to be the first to find it, or buy the book :)

Pathway of Teaching - A Secret Poem (No 22) Book 2 (Not published yet)

December 20, 2015

Co ordinates - 53 28' 20 N 2 51' 04" W

(Off Spinney Road. Knowsley. UK)

Date Written - 4th January 2016

Date Hidden - 23rd January 2016


A Secret Poem (No 22) 

A Pathway of Teaching


I opened my eyes, looked upon your smile
I was frightened, confused; felt lost.
Something had changed I didn’t understand
My comfort and warmth was tossed.


A sensation I felt of familiarity 
When close to you… a protection.
It filled me with joy and made me feel safe
This was my unique resurrection.


You were sad at times when I was little.
Scary… when you’d get cross.
There was a time when I ........


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this when her next book gets published 'Secret Poetry Volume 2'.  You can check out her previous work in Secret Poetry Book 1 from the button below.

The Moon - A Secret Poem (No 20) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 20, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Liverpool, Stanley Park.

Coordinates – 53° 26’ 4” N  2° 58’ 1” W

Date written – 2nd December 2015

Date hidden – 20th December 2015


The Moon - A Secret Poem (No. 20)


Why can’t I pick the Moon

Out of the sky?... Its small.

I think it will be easy

All you have to be is tall.


All shiny white with lumps on.

I want it for my room......


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

Max The Dog - A Secret Poem (No 21) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 20, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Liverpool, Stanley Park.

Coordinates – 53° 26’ 4” N  2° 57’ 48” W

Date written – 5th December 2015

Date hidden – 20th December 2015


Max, The Dog - A Secret Poem (No. 21)


He puts up with a lot my dog.

As a baby I’d pinch his fur.

His tail I'd pull, his ears I’d bite.

He was my living teddy bear.


When I was two, mum showed him tricks.

His best was catching and returning his sticks.


When I was five he ran away

Luckily we found him and he was okay.


When I was nine camping we'd go.

He made lots of friends because sticks they'd throw.


I loved him so much a marriage I thought.

Wouldn't it be great ....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

A Gift - A Secret Poem (No 19) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 19, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Liverpool.

Coordinates – 53° 23’ 18” N  3° 1’ 23” W

Date written – 27th November 2015

Date hidden –  19th December 2015


A Gift - A Secret Poem (No.19)


I see a butterfly fluttering near me

I plead "Please come to my house for tea.

We'll be very friendly. You can rest and drink.

I'll even introduce you to my doll called Tink".


It flutters away "Pleeease don't go",

But it's already flying high.

Then turning with a swoosh and coming down low.

It lands on my shoulder.... "Oh my!"


"Don't dismay little girl you’re kind to share

Your house, a drink and Tink.

A gift you will get with butterflies you've met,

It's our human and animal link."


I got all excited and jumped up with glee

Tossing the butterfly away.

"Oh no! Please .....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

Belly Button Adventures - A Secret Poem (No 18) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 19, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Birkenhead, Merseyside.

Coordinates – 53° 23’ 38” N  3° 2’ 9” W

Date written – 16th November 2015

Date hidden – 19th December 2015


Belly Button Adventures - A Secret Poem (No.18)


Have you ever wondered what hides underneath

The middle of your belly button?

A time machine to get dinosaur teeth,

Or a visit from a distant cousin.


A zip for a look at the wondrous yuck,

That splashes and slops inside.

Imagine a trip through your body in a ship

The blood rushing past - Wow! What a ride.


I've not yet managed to get mine ....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

My Caterpillar - A Secret Poem (No 17) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 19, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Liverpool, Warbreck Moor Park.

Coordinates – 53° 28’ 2” N  2° 57’ 22” W

Date written – 12th November 2015

Date hidden – 19th December 2015


My Caterpillar - A Secret Poem (No.17)


I had the weirdest dream last night

Of a caterpillar as my friend.

It's huge jelly belly amused me

It poo'd sludge from its rear end!


It told the funniest jokes and tricks

I'll tell my sister, she'll be wetting her knicks.


The sludge slides and the jumping

This giant was great fun.

His belly a long trampoline.....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

Dear Sister - A Secret Poem (No 16) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 19, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Birkenhead waterfront, Merseyside.

Coordinates – 53° 23’ 49” N  3°  0’ 36” W

Date written – 15th November 2015

Date hidden – 19th December 2015


Dear Sister - A Secret Poem (No.16)


Hello dear sister, across here; please look.

I know we're blocked by the river Mersey

Our first boat of steam; we laughed how it shook.

Our humour, as always; causing controversy.


I slept in once on industry revolution.

You've never let me forget.

But I've caught up and build ships now.

I've agriculture too, so don't regret.


You've two football teams which I hear are quite near.

I'm very proud of mine...Tranmere.

I have a beautiful park that’s famous for its...


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

Cemetery - A Secret Poem (No 15) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 18, 2015

Country – England.

Area – West Derby Cemetery. Liverpool.

Coordinates - 53° 27’ 4” N  2° 54’ 47” W

Date written – 15th November 2015

Date hidden – 18th December 2015


Cemetery - A Secret Poem (No.15)


A tranquil place to rest and reflect

Upon life's journey. It demands respect.


A place for loved ones.

A place now still.

Our dead scare some people.

Ghost stories some thrill.


The people in here are earth’s future cycle.

Next generation seeping our seeds.

Our knowledge....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

Peter Pan - A Secret Poem (No 14) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

December 18, 2015

Country – England.

Area – Liverpool, Sefton Park.

Coordinates – 53° 22’ 56” N  2° 56’ 3” W

Date written – 19th October 2015

Date hidden – 18th December 2015


Peter Pan - A Secret Poem No. 14


The wonderful story of Peter Pan

Captures imagination and possibility.

Yet if you think about 'who IS Peter Pan?’

Is it a thought, dream, being or lack of responsibility?


Let's take a look at this no aged boy. Are we looking in a mind as senile?

Or is it a character of youthfulness for adults with jobs in denial?


Let's take a look of the humour within.

Trickery, outwitting and selfish.

Or is this an out-lash for the things he can't have - this streak he has, can be quite devilish.


Let's take a look at his reason of action.

Loneliness, boredom, want of conflict.

Is it a reason to manipulate people? Is he yearning ......


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.  

A Path Of Life - A Secret Poem (No 6) Published in 'Secret Poetry'

July 13, 2015

Country – England. 

Area – Liverpool. Premier Studios, Aintree. L9 0EF

Coordinates – This has been found.

Date written – 12th July 2015

Date hidden – 14th July 2015


A Path of Life - A Secret Poem (No. 6)


Your Christening is a special day that comes from love and joy.

Your parents will always love you dear; you’re always their little boy.

Your journey through life will have ups and downs

With decisions that carve your way.

It’s important to respect the world you are in,

You’re important… so never dismay.


This world is a wonderful place to be,

With opportunities, hope an.....


To see the full version you need to be the first to find the poem or read this and other published poetry in 'Secret Poetry' book.  This book includes images and meanings behind her work.

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Congratulations to Penny Dillon who found this piece

Congratulations to Hannah who found this piece

Congratulations to Alison Cryer who found this piece

Congratulations to Alison Cryer who found this piece

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